It was a quiet weekend at Lake Woebegone, er, Chez Nest. Stayed home both yesterday and today, except for a brief foray into the basement to drop off the recycling and then to the lobby to pick up the mail. Whoopie. I think Tall Bird wasn't feeling well and took a lot of naps. Me too. I mean, I took a lot of naps too, not that I don't feel good. I feel great! My flight feathers are growing back in, as well as my breast and back feathers. Today when I jumped off Tall Bird's shoulder, I glided a short distance before dropping, er, landing. How far did I glide? About the length of three of me. OK, STOP LAUGHING! I said it was short!
Anyway, Tall Bird moved around furniture and my perch yesterday. It's back near the window again. I like it there. So it blocks the TV. So what? We hardly ever watch TV. I celebrated by climbing to the top of the tree. Then I couldn't figure out how to get back down, but Tall Bird helped before I started to panic.
Not much else to report, just the usual playing and preening and eating and shredding and pooping (I can say that here, can't I?) and exploring and whistling and talking and shrieking and showering and eating and playing and pooping... Oh, well, you get the picture.
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