Sometimes I think my flockmate, who I think I'll start calling Tall Bird, is just the tiniest bit wacky. Like this morning, she turns on the radio and starts dancing around, then tries to get ME to DANCE. BEFORE BREAKFAST! I gave her SUCH A LOOK!
Did I dance with her? Well, yeah, I did. A LITTLE. I didn't want her to have all the fun. Mostly, though, I practiced my chirps and whistles and a few of my more piercing screeches. She just laughed at me and tried to screech back. It's sad, because she tries so hard, but she'll never reach my sublime level of shrillness.
So, where was I? Oh, yeah. Then, after breakfast, she brings me with her to the bathroom and sets me on my perch by the mirror. I thought she was going to take a shower, like usual, but instead she got out the broom and started sweeping the floor. Then she took out the hamper and the rug and then put me on the floor, which I like 'cause there's this rolly perch thingy that I like to play with, and I am working on opening the cupboard doors or chewing them to bits if I can't figure it out. Anyway, I was checking things out down there when all of a sudden I felt this warm mist coming down on me and I look up and there's the mist bottle sitting on the side of the tub, just shooting out warm misty water ALL OVER ME! All over everything, in fact, including her. Like I said, wacky.
Then when we got dried off, we went out in my new little mesh cage that she carries in front of her. I didn't like going in there at first, but she always gives me an almond when I do, and we always go somewhere fun, so I'm good with it now. Mostly. We walked over to the library, where there were a lot of people and kids. And some of the kids came over to talk to me, and that was kinda fun. Tall Bird was talking about me, I heard my name, and then the kids said it too. I didn't say much, but I clicked and chirped a little. I was hoping she'd let me out, but no luck.
When we got back to the nest, she gave me some lunch, and a GRAPE! I liked that grape most of all. Then ALL OF A SUDDEN I felt like getting WET again! So I said, "Let's go take a SHOWER!" She laughed and said I was a contrary critter, but I said it again, so she took me in the bathroom and misted me again. Then when I was dry, I went back to my big perch and fell asleep.
It's okay.Sorry, I heard a siren outside and it was REALLY LOUD. Tall Bird just came over to the perch and closed the window and shut the blinds. Chirp. Much better.