So, how d'you like my new blog picture? It's me doing the chicken dance. Don't know about you, but dancin' and singin' is my THANG. Along with clicking, squawking, whistling, pooping, food-flinging, and making Mom laugh with my wit and general all-around cuteness. (See picture to right for example of ultra-cuteness. It's me peeking at Mom from my special shelf in the linen cupboard of the bathroom. I won't say what Mom was doing at the time.)
Speaking of Mom, HAPPY MOM'S DAY, MOM! SQUAWK!
Okay, now that's out of the way...WHAT? I gotta give her a PRESENT? Oh, well, not a problem. Here comes another poop, Mom ~ just for you! BOMB'S AWAY!
So, where was I? Well, since the time I chewed one of the keys off Mom's brand new laptop, she hasn't let me near it. Hellooooo. I say that, if the keys weren't meant to be pried off, they shouldn't make the little buggers so easy to get off with my beak.

All right, I'm hungry again so back to the breakfast bowl for a little chowing down and flinging about. What's in the bowl, you ask? Well, Mom makes me the best breakfasts in the universe: fresh corn, soybeans, red peppers, pasta, brocolli (well, not the brocolli, but she won't pay attention to me when I tell her), and chicken, warmed in the microwave, with a topping of fresh apple chunks! I like it so much she gives me the same thing for dinner, except instead of the apple she puts in a little of whatever she's eating and some Spicy V-8 juice. It's to die for! (So's spaghetti, which I DON'T GET ENUF OF YOU LISTENING MOM?)
Nom nom nom...