Went for another ride in that unpleasant moving room my flockmate (FM) calls a "car." First she put me in the tiny carrier made of wood (which is really fun to shred) and wire, which I can't seem to break but which makes this cool snapping sound when I pull on it with my beak.
Anyway, we drove for a long time, my FM trying to distract me by singing (tho she doesn't have the best singing voice I've ever heard). I was okay because she always told me when we were going to go and when we were going to stop, so I wasn't surprised. Have I mentioned I don't like surprises?
We went back to that place where they pulled out my feather and clipped my beautiful long, sharp claws, but nothing like that happened this time. My FM just carried me around on her finger and even let me sit on her shoulder for awhile. There were a lot of other birds around, and lots of colorful toys and other stuff all over the walls! Then all of a sudden she stuffed me in this strange cage! I was too surprised to be scared, and she told me it was okay, so I settled down on the perch that was inside it. So then guess what she did. She hung the cage on her shoulders by some straps and carried me all around the store with her! It was very strange, but I kind of liked it. She told me we could go for lots of walks now, with me in the hanging cage where I'd be safe.
Then we drove to a house and met her friends, a lady named Leah and a boy named Jake. There was also a dog (scary thing that made such a racket) named Buddy, but Jake took him away and then I felt happier. Jake really liked me, and he was very nice, so I let him hold me and only bit him a little very gently, but he didn't get mad or scared. So I even let him give me some skritches on my head.
Then we went to another house and my FM talked to some guy she called "Plumber," and let me ride on her finger while we walked around outside and inside. Then she put together a big cage (but it's not as big as my home nest cage) that I rode in on the way home. It was lots better than that little carrier thing, but I was still a little nervous about all the movement. She still told me when we were going to go and when we were going to stop, but she didn't sing, thank goodness!
I was so glad to get back home, and I was really tired too. I guess my FM was also tired because she went to lay down and I slept for a long time on my perch in my very own really big comfy cage. I'm still tired today, but she's getting ready to take me out for a walk. She promised me an almond when I get into the little cage, so you KNOW I'll be hopping right in. I LOOOOOOVE almonds best of anything!
Hello Chatty Trainer!
7 years ago